Decision Support (Data Mining)

SAD are computer systems that support decision makers who are targeted with semi-structured problems. tr Its demand has arisen in the face of the competitive growth of organizations, as SAD is developed through historical data and individual experiences that are incorporated as useful information enabling better conditions for decision making and increasing the advantages obtained by the company. Many companies are using SAD to improve the decision making process.

​The reasons cited by the managers are:

  • New and more precise information needs
  • Need to get information faster
  • Monitoring the company's numerous business operations was increasingly difficult.
  • The company was operating in an unstable economy
  • The company faced greater competition in domestic and foreign markets
  • The systems installed in the company did not adequately support the objectives of greater efficiency, profitability and entry into profitable markets.



​SAD Components:

  • Database Management System (SGBD)
  • Basic Modeling Manager System (MBMS)
  • Generation of Dialogue and Management System (DGMS)

Basic structure SAD:

  • User interface
  • Database
  • Modeling and analytical tools
  • SAD architecture and network

The concepts of support for decision making involve two major areas of research: the theoretical study of decision-making in organizations held at the Carnegie Institute of Technology and the technical work in interactive computer systems by MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology ).

The data manager stores the information (which can be a traditional organizational repository, remote, using the internet for access, or customized for each user); the modeling manager that makes the representation of events, facts or situations (using several types of models, two examples are models of optimization and goal-seeking models); and the user interface manager, which of course improves user interactivity with the system.